Patients’ Voice Group (PVG)

The practice has continued to work very closely with our Patient Voice Group. We are extremely proud to have such a committed and dynamic group who have not only put time and effort into our Patient Group but have also represented us and the Upper Lea Valley Locality at various events throughout the year.

The PVG meet every two months with representatives of the surgery and manage most of the administrative work associated with the group, for example minutes of the meetings, communicating with all PVG members, organising events, obtaining patient feedback and comments. Our Acting Chair is Kristina Lawson.

In 2018 our PVG Members contributed to our Care Quality Commission (CQC) report; you can find this on the Care Quality Commission page.

We are happy to welcome new members to both groups: To join our Virtual Group please complete this form:

Terms of Reference

Patients’ Voice Survey

GP Patient Survey


Minutes of Meetings

Notes of Meetings

Annual Reports
